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Please note! We have changed the bank details for payments.
Please note! We have changed the bank details for payments.
Updated over a week ago

The account details for paying by bank transfer changed on 2 March. Please make sure to check this when making payments.

New account details for OOO Bronirovanie gostinits

Account number: 40702810210000877951

Bank: AO Tinkoff Bank

BIC: 044525974

Correspondent bank account: 30101810145250000974

New account details for OOO Agentika travel

Account number: 40702810910000877976

Bank: AO Tinkoff Bank

BIC: 044525974

Bank INN: 7710140679

Correspondent bank account: 30101810145250000974

All invoices have already been updated. If you have any questions, please contact your account manager or the support service.

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