Confirmation of bookings by email
Updated over a week ago

Why confirm bookings by email

So that you can ensure clients get high-quality service, we will remind you in advance of upcoming check-ins and will ask you to re-check all the booking details. Confirmation by email is the fastest and most convenient way to inform us that you are ready to welcome your guests.

How it works:

  • a message about the forthcoming check-in is automatically sent to the email address that was entered during registration. Please make sure to provide your current email address — that way the messages will not get lost and you will be able to confirm the bookings promptly.

  • the message contains full information about the booking: dates of stay, number of guests, room category, meal type and so on. If the information is correct, please confirm the booking by clicking on the respective button in the message. If it is not correct, then please inform us of any discrepancies.

If only 1–3 days remain before check-in and you have not yet confirmed, we will contact you by phone.

How to confirm a booking by email

  1. As soon as you receive a message titled Notification of upcoming check-in please open it.

  2. Check all the details contained in the message.

  3. Click on Confirm if all the details are correct. If you find any mistakes in the booking details then please let us know in a message in reply.

You can also receive notifications to more than one email address, as well as via SMS. Detailed information can be found in this section.

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