Open your online account and check that all room categories and rate plans with which you work have been uploaded to ETG Extranet. This will help you to attract the highest possible number of guests with diverse reasons for travel, preferences and budgets.
What you should do if the information is not up to date
If the category name or maximum number of guests are shown incorrectly, please make sure to inform the support service about this by writing to Please provide in the message the accommodation ID and specify what needs to be changed.
Useful information on rooms and rates:
Once all the room information has been edited, please check the rates associated with each room (payment model, rate type, cancelation terms) and change them if needed.
Check the rate restrictions
If necessary, you can set one of three restrictions in the Rate features column:
For active users — the rate is only available to those registered on ETG sites.
B2B — the rate will only be available to travel agents and business travelers. Restrictions may be set by accommodation options working under the Merchant or Hybrid models. We discuss B2B rates in detail in the Knowledge Base.
Package — you may only book accommodation at this rate if you simultaneously book air and or rail tickets. Restrictions may be set by accommodation options working under the Merchant or Hybrid models. We discuss package rates in detail in theKnowledge Base.
To set a restriction, click on the switch opposite the required item. The switch will change color to green and the restriction will be turned on.
If you want the rate to be available to all users then skip this step — there is no need to click on the switches opposite the three items.
Check the price type: BAR or NET
NET rates may only be booked by B2B site users and don’t include commission. They may be used by accommodation options working under the Merchant or Hybrid models.
BAR rates include commission and may be made available to all users (if no restrictions are set in the Rate features column).