How to change dates of a booking
Updated over a week ago

If the guest wants to change their booking dates but cannot do so independently then please contact the support service:

Once the request has been closed new booking dates will appear in the guest’s voucher. The monthly reconciliation report will also display the changed dates.

How to update availability after dates are changed

After you contact the support service you will need to update availability yourself, in one of two ways:

  • change the booking dates in a channel manager;

  • update the information in the Rates and availability tab in Extranet.


The guest made a booking for 5–10 October, and then requested to change the dates to 6–11 October. Sequence of actions:

  • You send a request to the support service.

  • New booking dates appear in the guest’s voucher.

  • You directly update availability — you change the booking dates in a channel manager, or you access the Rates and availability tab in Extranet, open sales on 5 October and close sales on 10 October.

Please note: if you change the booking dates in a channel manager but don’t send a request to our support service then the old dates will be contained in the guest’s voucher and monthly reconciliation report.

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